Sam's Paper Collage Workshop
A membership for creatives, makers and artists.
In this membership, we dive deep into figuring out who you are as an artist, how you want to express yourself, and how to consistently show up and make art that inspires you!
Join My Waitlist
"Every creative project starts with a leap of faith."
Samuel Price ~ Creator of The Paper Collage Workshop

What my students are saying...

"It’s been a HUGE life-changing leap to learn the grid collage method. As soon as the eyes were finished, I had complete faith that I’d finish the project and do it well!"

"I am not a sketcher or a painter (I do quilt). Your method lent me the courage to tackle this project as it cut the image up into so many "bites," and the collage format gives me permission to be imperfect."

"Your teaching style really clicked for me. I loved trying collage and had not had much experience with it before. I was drawn to your colorful style and to the free-flowing attitude you express through your words and tone. I really like how you share a bit of your own story with your students - and how you are so encouraging of other people’s artistic exploration."

"I so much enjoyed your class! It was a much-needed break from the angst of these troubled times. Thank you for all your encouragement.”
What's included in the Paper Collage Workshop Membership?

A New Lesson Each Month
You'll learn my simple framework for how to start collage-making right away!
A pre-recorded instructional video. View at your own pace!
A downloadable lesson card.
Supply List

1 Monthly Live Q & A!
Get incredible support for your art-making journey. You will be able to join my live each month for:
Collage questions and technique demos.
Art critiques from art submitted by fellow members.
Make art along with me in real-time!

Guided Resources
(Includes videos, guides, tips & tricks!)
Collage tools, glue guides, paper & magazine tips, and how to design your workspace/studio.
Reference image creation and outsourcing tools.
Art Journaling and accountability support.

Hello,I am Sam.
I'm a San Francisco-based artist specializing in collage pet portraits. I teach my unique collage grid method to students all over the world.
Creativity is my specialty. I believe in the power of art and it is my mission in life to spread it across the globe.

Join The Paper Collage Workshop Membership Waitlist!
The doors are opening soon for founding members. You will get a locked-in special pricing offer as an official founding member!
Don't miss out! Sign up below to be notified when you can join.