
Module 1-Getting Started: Your Workspace, Supplies And Project Prep

A free course module inside Sam's E-Course, Collage Your Pet. 

I have many students who have wanted to know what it would take to get started in my collage workshops. Therefore it feels very appropriate to be offering you this introduction to my course for FREE.  I absolutely understand the hesitations one can encounter when considering trying something creatively new. 

I hope this Preparation Module empowers you with all the right tools,  as there are many paths to take to get to the starting point of making a magazine grid collage. 

Within this sample module are 6 mini lessons going over:

  • -Materials & Workspace
  • -Magazines & Glue
  • -Reference Photo & Canvas
  • 3 tutorials on how to create a reference photo for your art projects.

I hope these tools and lessons inspire you!